Twin Peaks Wiki

Gordon Cole is a Regional Bureau Chief in the FBI and Agent Cooper's immediate superior.


Original series

Season 1

Episode 3

Cole calls Cooper and fills him in on the details of the results of Albert's post-mortem examination on Laura Palmer.

Episode 4

Season 2

Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 18
Episode 25
Episode 26

While in Twin Peaks, Cooper and Cole go to the Double R Diner where he is smitten by waitress Shelly Johnson, whom to his surprise he can hear perfectly well.

Fire Walk with Me

Cole briefs agents Chester Desmond and Sam Stanley on their assignment to investigate the murder of Teresa Banks. Cole uses a coded language, in the attire and gestures of Lil the Dancer, to inform the agents of what to expect in their investigation. Cole describes the Teresa Banks murder case as one of his “blue rose” cases.

The exact meaning of this is never given, but fans have speculated that a “blue rose” case is one involving the supernatural.

2017 series


He is very hard-of-hearing (wearing large hearing aids) and thus speaks very loud. He often misunderstands what is said to him and replies with comically inappropriate responses. Cole’s coded messages sometimes baffle even his closest colleagues. In the first episode he appears, he says, “Cooper, you remind me today of a small Mexican chihuahua.” The conversation continues as normal, with the issue remaining unsolved, despite Cooper's attempts to find out what a "small Mexican chihuahua" means.

